Are You Actively Setting Goals?

Many people do not actively set goals.

Instead they watch life happen, don’t actively participate, challenge themselves, or try to change or improve their current state. Then wonder why they aren’t getting what they want from life and even play the victim.

Why some people don’t set goals:

1.   They don’t know how.

2.   They are searching for perfection when setting goals.

3.   They are afraid to set goals.

4.   They are afraid of failing.

5.   They are afraid to succeed.

It is healthy to to consistently educate and grow ourselves. The best and easiest way to do that is to set goals. These goals can be personal, professional, athletic, financial or in our relationships.

When setting a goal, start by asking yourself what you want and what you need in order to achieve your goal. Make a list. Start small and with one goal at a time.

Make sure it is realistic and fits your life. Do you have the time, resources and support you need to achieve your goal? Is it realistic and obtainable? Lastly, is it for you and not to impress others, to appease a spouse or family member?

Once you achieve one goal it gets easier, even exciting to set the next one! Keep checking items/goals off your list and soon you will look back and have achieved more than you originally envisioned for yourself.