Everyone lives with fear -- this is normal.

The most successful people, however, don’t let fear stop them. They go after goals, regardless of fear.

When my nephew was younger, I had a conversation with him about school. He was going from 5th to 6th grade, which meant moving from elementary school to middle school.

He was afraid he couldn’t handle the new school -- a new environment, multiple new teachers and possibly more difficult homework. He was scared because he knew nothing about the new school.

So I reminded him how the school system’s job at each grade is to make you’re ready for the grade that comes next.

“They wouldn’t move you forward if you weren’t ready to handle what you’ll encounter there,” I added.

Fortunately, I was right. He did fine.

But how many of us, when we take on a new life challenge, feel just like my nephew?

There’s great comfort in the familiar. It’s tempting to stay there. But you don’t grow if you don’t challenge yourself to learn what it takes to succeed in new, unfamiliar environments.

Stepping out of your comfort zone, even for a short time, is how you grow.

I tell my clients that the key to growth is getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.

If you’ve mastered the level you’re at in any part of your life, this is proof that you’re capable of overcoming bigger challenges.

Look back at all the other challenges you’ve mastered leading up to this point. You have a lifetime of them. This is further proof that you have what it takes to keep climbing higher.

Armed with this knowledge, you can move forward confidently to take on your next challenge. Trust yourself. You’ve succeeded before and have what you need to succeed again.

So believe in yourself.

When a challenge comes up, simply prepare as much as possible. Educate yourself by talking to people who have experience in the challenging area. Search for insight on YouTube too.

Preparation helps calm anxiety and quiets fear. Most of our worries are in our mind.

In fact, think of your challenge this way:

The largest and hardest journey you will ever take is the 10 inches between your ears.

Why let such a small distance make such a huge impact on your life?

Move forward and get into action. Be your biggest fan, not your biggest critic.

You got this!