Let’s Talk About Goal Setting

When you are setting a goal, is it a goal you really want or something you feel you should do, aspire to or accomplish?

Too often we are not setting goals for ourselves. We feel what we want is not acceptable, that we will be judged or makes us feel exposed and vulnerable.

Remember, your goals and accomplishments are for you. They are to help you become the person you want to be and create the life YOU want.

You do not have to share your ideas or goals with anyone and you can change them at any time. You are allowed to grow, change direction and shift priorities.

A few things to ask yourself:

1.     Do you know what you want out of life?

2.     Are you getting what you want out of life?

3.     Do you know how to achieve what you want?

Everyone has their own definition of joy and happiness.

When you are thinking about and setting goals for yourself, choose ones that are for you and bring you joy at the thought of accomplishing them.

Keep doing the things that you enjoy and that grow you personally and professionally in ways that matter to YOU, and you cannot go wrong!