What You Think You Become

“The mind is everything What you think is what you become. – Budda

I have always loved this quote. I find it empowering as it lets me know I am in control.

I may not always be able to control what is happening around me, but I can certainly choose my perception of events and how I respond.  This means I can change the outcome of how I feel about anything at any time.

It is also a great reminder to change course when I start to think ‘left of center’, or get disappointed or frustrated. This always inevitably puts me in a solution oriented and proactive state of mind, rather than one of the victim who has no say or control.

We always have control. What we think, and how we think about a person or situation, will become our reality.

So, mind your thoughts, cherish the good times and remember you can turn almost any negative into a positive or at least into a learning experience.