Since the mind can only focus on one thought at a time, what are you choosing to focus on?

Do you focus on the past or the present? How about the future and building positive habits, behaviors and attitudes?

Think about it …

You see, having a manageable action plan for a goal is huge. However, the desire to reach the goal is what really makes the difference.

Now, to form a positive habit, you must take the same action 26 days in a row. Whether it’s getting up early to work out, writing or training your dog, doing it 26 days in a row creates a habit. In time, this habit then becomes second nature.

You also develop attitudes about this behavior. Of course, these can be positive or negative, depending on how you completed a task, worked through a problem or achieved a desired result.

Once you learn how to build a habit that forms a positive attitude, you have a winning formula.

So which way do you feel your momentum is going right now? Are you building momentum and moving forward?

Because your attitude affects your work, relationships, health, sleep, happiness, good fortune and, generally, the way you see the world.

Whatever your challenge, make a SMART goal and direct positive energy toward it. Start developing a habit to help you accomplish that goal.

In fact, aim for the stars. Everyone has at least one more good run in them.

Don’t play small. Give it all you got and live your life to the fullest.

After all, to change your life, you simply need to change your priorities.