Your Sphere of Influence

Today, more than ever, we need to protect our mental health, mindset and outlook.

We are in the heart of a global pandemic, the likes of which we have never seen. We are all driving blind.

Who and what you surround yourself with during this time is immensely important for your mental health and greatly impacts those around you.

Let me ask you one simple question...Who is in your sphere of influence?

Who do you spend most of your time with? Do they challenge you, grow you, support you, inspire you? Are they positive, trustworthy, solution oriented?

Now, in the time of social distancing, who we virtually connect with, who we turn to for emotional and professional support, or friendly conversation, who we follow on social media, what we watch on tv or read will greatly influence us, the skill sets we chose to navigate during this time and how this time will define us and who we chose to be.

Two of the biggest influences in our lives are our environment and the people we surround ourselves with - family, friends, coworkers.

Jim Rhon said we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Their intelligence, income, health, drive, success and mindset all affect and influence us. Knowing this, gives you a huge advantage!

If there are things in your life you want to change, become or achieve, take a look around, observe who you associate and surround yourself with.  You are the company you keep.

Make sure the people you spend time with, or give your energy to, are doing and accomplishing the things you wish to do, resemble the person you wish to be and and are accomplishing the things you aspire to accomplish.